I wanted to make them voxel even more real, but not with modern techs like 3D printing and all that fancy stuff. Traditional art techniques are my scope. I started with wooden cubes as base material and tried different ways of finishing: airbrush colors, varnish, piano lacquer, leaf gold, and mirror foil.
Currently, I am looking for like-minded artists to experiment with porcelain, bronze and all the other beautiful crafting materials.
I created several groups of sculptures over time:
Pixelethics was made in 2017/18 and uses well-known, iconic video game items and re-interpretates them as symbols for moral and religious themes. So far, some sins and virtues of the Christian belief have been put into sculptures.
Geduld, 18 x 22 x 26 cm, 2018.
privately ownedTrägheit, 6 x 20 x 20 cm, 2107. Milde, 12 x 20 x 18 cm, 2017. Demut, 24 x 10 x 24 cm, 2017. Fleiß, 20 x 12 x 24 cm, 2018. Zorn, 18 x 18 x 20 cm, 2017. Wolllust, 20 x 16 x 20 cm, 2017. Völlerei, 20 x 20 x 22 cm, 2018. Wohlwollen, 20 x 22 x 20 cm, 2017. Keuschheit, 16 x 6 x 20 cm, 2017.
Phenomenology – starting in 2019 – is an experimental approach to pixelating basic shapes and reflecting surfaces.
Erscheinungswelt, 24 x 24 x 24 cm, 2018.
privately owned
Symbols of Power is another perspective shift into the iconic qualities of pixels. Here, traditional or contemporary symbols of power are recreated in an extremely low-poly 3d-pixel grid and completely covered with gold leaf foil.
Kelch, 10 x 10 x 18 cm, 2020. Kelch, detail Reichsapfel, 10 x 10 x 18 cm, 2020. Reichsapfel, detail Der Eine Ring, 6 x 6 x 2 cm, 2020. Der Eine Ring, detail
Interested in on of those real-life pixel sculptures or having a proposal for another one? Let’s get in touch.